
We are super excited that you want to try the Windows Personalization Packager or the Personalization Package.

Learn how to uninstall the Windows Personalization Packager or the Package before installing them: A clean device is a healthy device.

Note: Only download the Personalization Packager and/or the Demo Package when on a compatible Windows device.

Let’s review the terminologies again so that you know about our product and learn how to add and remove it from your device.

Personalization Packager

Click here to buy new or manage an existing subscription.

This is our patented tool for helping enterprise organizations like yours create Packages containing desktop backgrounds, lock screen images, Outlook signatures, and Windows screensavers. View the product page.

Download Personalization Packager

Demo Personalization Package

This is the Package created by the Personalization Packager. The Package could be created by our design services team, a reseller, or internally within your organization if you purchased a Personalization Packager subscription.

Download demo package


The Personalization packages created by the Packager and the Packager have the following prerequisites. Read the full documentation here.


WPSecure Windows Personalization packages are only certified for use with physical devices such as Desktops, Laptops, and Tablets, where users are not logged in concurrently (simultaneously).


The verification process for the subscription of the Packager necessitates a live internet connection that can directly and unrestrictedly access the Microsoft identity platform on the URLs wpsecure.onmicrosoft.com and wpsecure.b2clogin.com. However, this requirement does not apply to the Personalization packages. 


Operating System: Windows 10 20H2 or later, or a Microsoft-supported version of Windows 11.

ALL.NET Framework: Version 4.8 or later.
ALLProcessor: 1 gigahertz (GHz)  or  faster with 2 or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor core (The packages work on x86 devices but are not supported).
ALLMemory: 4 GB RAM or greater.
ALLStorage: 64 GB or larger storage device.
ALLFunctional WMI and .NET Framework.

No local or global policies prevent changing desktop backgrounds, Outlook signatures, or screensavers in the user context.

PACKAGEAll necessary exceptions for AppLocker and other security products that may impede the seamless operation of WPSecure must be configured appropriately.

Outlook signature deployments are specific to Microsoft Office 2016 or later. Unfortunately, email signatures do not work with other mail Windows-based clients like Thunderbird, Mailbird, eM Client, Mail for Windows 10/11, Outlook New app, and Opera Mail. 


The system must not have any faulty drivers, mainly those related to display, storage, or the processor.

What will change on your device after installing the demo package?

You will notice the following changes if all prerequisites are met and the installation succeeds.

  • The desktop background will change to the demo “Software Updates Reminder” design concept.
  • The lock screen will change to a prototype of a organizational disclaimer message.
  • Your Microsoft Outlook signature will be changed for our instructional demo.
  • Your Windows screensaver will change to our brand demo.
Lock Screen In Device Frame

Uninstalling the Personalization Packager

Method 1: Uninstall via the Control Panel’s ‘Add or Remove Programs’ window.

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Method 2: Uninstall using the original MSI file. You can do this via the command line or right-click the MSI file and select uninstall.

Uninstalling the Personalization Package

Method 1: Uninstall via the Control Panel’s ‘Add or Remove Programs’ window.

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Method 2: Use the uninstaller file created during Package creation time to uninstall the Personalization Package from the command line or by clicking on it.


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Installing the Personalization Packager

Installing the WPSecure Personalization Packager is straightforward. You will download a ZIP file. Unzipping the file will extract an MSI installer file—Double-click on the MSI file to install the WPSecure Personalization Packager.

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Installing the Personalization Package

Installing the WPSecure Personalization Package is relatively easy, too.  Just extract the content of the downloaded ZIP file. 

Open the ‘general_install‘ folder and run the ‘wpsecure-install.exe‘ file.

Follow the installation and detection instructions in the ‘documentation.html‘ file for mass deployment.

Flick us an email

My name is Topaz George. My team and I understand that every customer is unique, and we want to tailor our designs to meet your specific needs.

Before you make a decision, let’s have a conversation. Whether you have questions, need clarification, or want to explore how our product/service aligns with your goals, we’re here to help. My team is committed to providing value and ensuring you have all the information necessary to make an informed choice.

Drop us an email at support@osd365.com. Let’s connect and discuss via Microsoft Teams how we can best serve you.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,

Topaz George, Director, OSD365 Limited